UDL Principle 2

How can Web 2.0 technologies help support the 3 principles of UDL?

UDL Principle 2 supports Strategic Brain Networks



The “how” of learning


Provide multiple means for expression:

·Provide flexible models of skilled performance
·Provide opportunities to practice with supports
·Provide ongoing relevant feedback
·Offer flexible opportunities for demonstrating skill



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How can wikis help? 

  • Educators can post hyperlinks to demonstrations of multiple models of skilled performance
  • Access to multiple formats of information allows students to select the format with which they would like to interact and manipulate the information or engage in the activity without significant consequences such as wasted tangible materials (for example, a student may use concrete materials in a center and then realize that they would get more out of working at another center. This means wasted time and materials for the educator!)
  • Wikis can be restored to archived pages, materials are “forgiving” with little or no penalty for error
  • Educators and students alike can offer ongoing relevant feedback to student contributions; students can contribute/alter content anonymously and still receive relevant feedback
  • Wiki technology is quick and easy, so offering ongoing relevant feedback is less of a chore for the Educator; comments on one public contribution may clarify for or support other students as well!
  • Wiki space allows students to express themselves to the educator and class (and potentially the world) without sacrificing limited class time

    How can podcasts help? 

  • Students can use podcasting and vodcasting to share what they know; these can be used as informal assessments (to guide educators in determining what to teach in the future) as well as for formal assessment (especially VGLA and VSEP)
  • Educators can model multiple models of skilled performance in a podcast (such as foreign language) or vodcast (such as mathematics calculation) when there is little time for showing options during class
  • Educators can use podcasts to provide relevant feedback to many but not all (for example, a humorous but supportive discussion of common errors that arose during the last research project)
  • Educators can provide step-by-step coaching of skills (such as mathematical calculation or performance arts) through podcasts and vodcasts

    How can blogs help? 

  • Because blogs are a “just in time” technology intended to be frequently updated, educators can use them to quickly and easily provide relevant feedback to many but not use class time because not everyone needs it (feedback is also available to parents!)
  • Students can use text, graphics, video, voice/sound files, and other easy-to-create electronic tools to interact with the material and “show what they know